What You Should Know About the New Super Food: Wheat Grass

So you're probably thinking "Yuck, another over priced, green drink that I have to hold my nose to get down!" However, this is an anti-aging, enzyme containing, cancer preventing, digestion improving, oxygenating, anti-inflammatory, energy producing, super food! Now have I got your attention? The raw, organic powder mixes really well in your favorite beverage or fruit smoothie. I personally like to make my homemade limeade (filtered water, organic lime juice, &; liquid stevia), shake it all up with a scoop of wheat grass and enjoy! The lime juice covers up the grassy taste; however, if you taste the powder by itself you will find that this finely ground powder is actually not bad tasting! 

What we DO KNOW about Wheat Grass:
  • Contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes
  • Complete protein containing amino acids and has higher protein densities than any other food source
  • 70% chlorophyll and since the chlorophyll molecule is virtually identical to hemoglobin (red blood cells that carry oxygen), wheatgrass juice will oxygenate your body
  • Equivalent to getting a few extra veggies into your diet
  • Increases support for our immune system
  • Detoxifies
  • Alkalizes
Add 1 scoop to your favorite fruit juice (apple, orange, cranberry, grape, pomegranate--preferably fresh juiced)

Add 1 scoop to your favorite smoothie recipe 

Add 1 scoop to your favorite vitamin water

Add 1 scoop to limeade or lemonade 

My All-Time Favorite RECIPE: 
1 Mason jar (16 oz or larger)
1 scoop of Nitro Fusion chocolate protein powder
1 scoop of organic wheat grass
8 oz  vanilla almond milk
4 oz. chocolate almond milk
Shake it all together and ENJOY

Here is some additional information from a Nutritional Therapist, Pat Reeves: Food Alive Articles--Wheat Grass

Information from Dr. Ann Wigmore:
Matrix Wheat Grass

Helps fight and get rid of carcinogens in your body:
Dr. Chiu-nan Lai, Ph.D. at the University of Texas System Cancer Center, Dept. of Biology, Houston, Texas, found in 1978 wheat sprout extracts and its chlorophyll to inhibit in vitro (in a test tube) metabolic activation of carcinogens.Basically, it detoxifies our bodies.

52 Reasons why you should take wheat grass daily by Holistic Health Practitioner, Isis Jade:

What I buy:
Amazing Grass (Raw, Organic &, Gluten free)
Vitacost Price: $34 for 17 oz.
Amazon: $34 for 17 oz.

Growing your own wheat grass:
If you have a green thumb you can grow your own wheat grass and juice it. It takes approximately 2 weeks to grow to its full nutritional potential  (should be about 6-7in high). Then juice it in a wheat grass juicer (you can find them as cheap as $40). Drink immediately for the most health benefits. You will need Organic Hard Red Winter Wheat Seeds. Here are the instructions on how to grow it in your home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U5RqjWcfko


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