The only SAFE sunscreen I've ever found--Dr. Mercola's Sunscreen
It's that time of year again and most everyone will be out and about in the sun! Contrary to popular belief, the sun is not as dangerous as everyone makes it out to be. The sun is extremely good for you and can even help fight symptoms of depression; however, you have to be cautious and know how much sun exposure you can handle before you burn. Burning and the chemicals in your sunscreen is what is dangerous! A majority of Americans have extremely low levels of vitamin D, which is why we need to get out from behind the desk and get about 15-20 mins of sun (WITHOUT sunscreen) to help increase our levels naturally. I would also suggest taking vitamin D3 supplements all year long (50,000 IU a week in the winter time and 10,000-20,000 IU a week in the summer). DR.MERCOLA'S sunscreen is the only sunscreen I have ever found that literally has no preservatives or harmful chemicals in it. It is around $18 and lasts forever. Dr. Mercola's sunscreen is the only sunscreen I wo...